Abundance And The Art Of Giving The More You Give, The More You Will Receive!【電子書籍】[ Baptiste ]


<p>Abundance And The Art Of Giving<br /> Giving moves us because it frees us ads well as bestows abundance.<br /> When we give, for a minute we're released from thoughts on how we are, how we<br /> were, how we will be, how individuals view us, how we could be, how we should<br /> be, and so forth. It’s the tape that continues playing in our mind. When we give<br /> with an exposed heart, we remember that we're not alone<br /> You might want to say to me, “What? Naturally I know I’m not alone!” True. But<br /> let’s attempt an experiment. In order for this experimentation to work, you need<br /> to be strained. You’re not? Kudos, you’re apparently an angel and can stop<br /> studying now. The experimentation is for the rest of us who hurl towards<br /> everyday life. We try to finish work, buy groceries, attend work affairs, organize<br /> schedules, plan celebrations, contact family and friends, clean the home, and do a<br /> lot of other things ? even though time seems to be in short supply.<br /> Ok, so you and I are strained, right? My question to you is:<br /> When strained, what percentage of waking time do you spend thinking of your<br /> own life?<br /> Include thoughts about your work, preparation thoughts, thoughts about the<br /> past, ideas about pressing tasks, and thoughts about your relationship with other<br /> people. The higher the stress, the more we become rolled up in our own life<br /> And when we’re rolled up in our own life, we get oblivious to the fact that there<br /> are others ‘out there’, and that they have troubles and needs too. That’s where the<br /> miracle of giving comes out. When we give with an exposed heart, we abruptly<br /> wake up from the old tapes and feel linked to others.<br /> That’s why the Buddhist tradition sets Dana, the path of unselfishness, as the first<br /> of the ten Perfections. Dana implies freely giving of one’s material goods, time or<br /> wiseness to others. Dana is the first of the ten Perfections as unselfishness is a<br /> fundamental ambition from which all spirituality flows. For instance,<br /> unselfishness is the basis of kindness and compassion. When we give with a<br /> virtuous heart, we feel elated.<br /> What is a virtuous heart? It’s giving without any thought of restitution. Actually,<br /> our motives for giving are often tinted with ‘unclean’ motives: perhaps we're<br /> shamed or browbeaten into giving; or we give to receive a privilege; or we give in<br /> order to feel good about ourselves.<br /> Each act of giving comes forth from that core of goodness, even though layers of<br /> mixed need might cloud our natural ambition of generosity. If we touch that core<br /> of goodness, we feel moved. This is natural giving. Give freely, and relish how<br /> your core of goodness is touched.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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